AUSTIN, 6 novembre 2011
Passed away peacefully at the Memphremagog Hospital, on November 6, 2011. Elizabeth Lyman Davidson, in her 91st year, beloved wife of the late Ross Monro Davidson living in Austin, Qc. She is survived by her loving children, Michael, Ann and Peter; cherished grandchildren, Andrew Davidson (Sheena), Jennifer Davidson (Graham), James Elder (Kathryn) and Anthony Elder, and her great-grandchildren, Ryan and Ronan. Also left to mourn are many other friends and relatives.
The family will be present at the St-Luke Anglican Church, Magog to meet and receive condolences from family and friends on Saturday Nov. 26, 2011 at 10:00 AM, followed by the funeral service at 11:00 AM.
Her respect for life and courage to travel it with dignity has set example to all who have known her.
A very special thanks to Dr. Riopel and the palliative care staff. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Mempremagog Hospital Foundation: 50 rue St-Patrice Est, Magog, Qc, J1X 3X3 or the Frontier Animal Society: P.O. Box 2505, Stanstead, Qc, J0B 1E0, would be appreciated.
Direction des funérailles
Entreprises funéraires membres de la CTQ
Résidence funéraire Steve L. Elkas inc.
601, rue du Conseil
Sherbrooke, Québec
Canada J1G 1K4
Tél. : 819-565-1155
Téléc. : 819-820-8872
[email protected]
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