Mrs Ida (née Mastrocola) Schena
Sherbrooke, 17 février 2022
It is with sadness, and yet comfort, that my mother passed quietly at the Foyer St. Joseph in Sherbrooke on February 16, 2022.
Mom was born January 12, 1922, the daughter of Anna Maria and Pasquale Mastrocola in an area of Montreal known as Little Italy. In the same church where she was baptized, she married Mike Schena, a handsome Italian, and the couple moved to Sherbrooke. During their 38 years together, my mother was a homemaker
and my father ran his business and together raised five children, not so unusual for the time. Mom was a great cook, made our clothes, and took an interest in all of our schooling and outside activities. She valued education and encouraged all of us to either go to college or to learn a trade, which we did. As a devoted Catholic, mom was very active in St. Patrick’s Parish. She worked very hard at their fundraisers such as the elephant sales, the Mission Circle and was happy to take part in the Church teas which were held regularly.
She participated in an artist guild and made many friends. One of her paintings hangs to the right of the altar at St. Patrick’s Church. Mom also volunteered with Meals on Wheels and was quick to lend a helping hand to anyone who needed it. She was a good friend.
Because of COVID we were unable to visit often but had the opportunity through the Centre des Loisirs at the Foyer St. Joseph to video chat/visit with mom. Herhundredth birthday was wonderful. She was alert, happy and beautiful. There was laughter, balloons and visiting. In her own way she let us know that she
loved us all.
Mom leaves behind fi ve children Angela (Peter) Lachance, Maine, Anna Maria Skena (Doug Craig), Micheline (Dale) Butterwick; Michael (Lynn) Skena; and, Mario Skena all residing Alberta; grandchildren Vincent and Christian (Jodie) Collin; Jason (Elizabeth) Lachance; Kate (Eric) Simonds; David (Julia) Butterwick, John (Tara) Butterwick; Brett (Sara) Butterwick; Danny (Alyssa) Butterwick; Josh Skena; 15 great-grandchildren; sister-in-law Maria Mastrocola, nieces and nephews Gloria (Danny) Marquis, Patricia Mastrocola, Anna Paquette, Linda
Mastrocola, Joe Mastrocola, Angela Rachiele, Joe Rachiele a special godchild, Lily, and dear friends Margo and Lilianne.
Preceded in death were husband Mike, her parents Anna Maria and Pasquale Mastrocola, her sister and brother-in-law Mary and Jimmy Piacente, brother and sister-in-law Joseph and Yolanda Mastrocola and brother Johnny Mastrocola.
The family would like to express their gratitude to the Foyer St. Joseph and to those who took care of our mom with so much respect and dignity. A special thanks to Dr. Lucille Couture for her sensitivity and understanding of my mother’s wishes; to Josee Doyon for making sure that we could see and visit with mom and for her wonderful sense of humor.
The funeral services will take place at St. Patrick’s Church on March 23 at 11:30 a.m. Visitation with the family will be at the church at 10:30 a.m. For those who are unable to attend, virtual services will be available on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ri2ripuDGhI
Interment will be held at a later date at Cote des Neiges Cemetery in Montreal.
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Mes condoléances à chaque membre de la famille Schena
Aux enfants de Mme Ida spécialement à Anna Maria qui a rejoint Mme Danielle Sirois, j'ai apprécié que vous nous teniez au courant du décès de votre mère que j'ai beaucoup aimée. C'était une femme respectueuse, dévouée, travaillante, talentueuse et appréciée de ses pairs dans le bénévolat qu'elle faisait tous les jeudis matins à la Popote roulante, Sercovie. Elle était toujours souriante et de bonne humeur qu'importe le travail qu'on faisait. J'ai un tableau fait par Ida dans mon salon en plus d'autres choses qu'elle m'a données au cours de ses nombreuses années de service à Sercovie. Qu'elle repose en paix auprès de son mari et soyez assurés qu'elle veillera sur vous! Paix à chacun de vous, petits et grands.Monique Bilodeau
22 mars 2022
Sincères condoléances
Mes sympathies les plus sincères à toute la famille.Que vos cœurs puissent trouver la présence intérieure de votre maman, qui veillera et sera là, dans des moments spontanés où vous pourrez dire encore, maman.
Monique Couture
21 mars 2022
Mrs. Ida Schema
Angie, we met at the Foyer St. Joseph, where my mother, Berthe Alice Bernier is residing. I am glad your Mum made it to her 100th Birthday and that you could all gather together with her one last time. My sympathies go out to you and your family. May she rest in peace.Espérant que le temps atténuera votre douleur et que les beaux moments, à jamais gravés dans votre coeur, seront pour vous réconfortants.
Kathy Campbell Brooks
20 mars 2022
sympathies aux enfants
Nous vous souhaitons nos plus sincères sympathies a toute la familleMuguette Boucher Dutil & Roger
17 mars 2022